10228 Dupont Circle Dr. East Fort Wayne, IN 46825


Phone: 260.490.2525


Below is a list of most of the treatments we offer. This page is meant to help the patients who are going to have one of these procedures be prepared. If you are going to have one of the treatments, scroll down to find what to expect the first few days after the treatment. If you would like to know more about the treatment, talk to you a professional at Pain Management or click on the link to take you to an outside source. We offer helpful information on neck pain treatment, back pain treatment, and more. 

Also for your benefit, we have given a brief description of the following treatments:

Always keep your physician and/or nurse informed of how you are feeling and how you are being treated.  If you think any of these treatments could help you, contact Pain Management, Fort Wayne’s premiere pain management facility. Your well being is our primary concern.